Wednesday, November 5, 2014

New Product Alert - Crystal Deodorant

Hey Bougie babes,
Hope all is well in budgeting land.  I know budgeting is a daily activity as it should be because its a LIFESTYLE definitely not a write out a budget on January 1 and ride it out all year. No m'am/sir. Your budget should be updated and adjusted monthly if not weekly, according to your pay and bill cycle is ideal.  More on this to come.

Anywho, a new product for you guys.  For the last two weeks I've been using a crystal deodorant.
The brand I've been using is Naturally Fresh Deodorant Crystal which I purchased from Whole Foods.  Now before you start trippin wonder how is Bougie on a Budget hanging out at Whole Foods- Whole Foods can actually be affordable depending on what you're looking for- I promise to do a blog complete with video the next time I do go you guys can take the Whole Food Challenge with me.  The crystal stone was under $5 AND it reportedly can last up to a year. SAY WHAT???? Yes so while it may seem like it would cost a lot because its all fancy smancy, its actually very affordable when you figure the a stick of Degree last what, 4-6 weeks at $2.99 and up?

So I know the question on everyone's mind - "Is Bougie walking around funky?".   To answer that, I'll use the lyrical prose of OutKast..., "Ain't Nobody Fresh as Me, I'm Just So Fresh and Clean, so fresh and so clean, clean"!! The first few days I was skeptical, trying not to move around to much so I wouldn't sweat, chile don't nobody got time for that! Even with my regular daily activities and an occasional workout, I've been good.  I'm not just saying this, my husband has no problem letting me know if anything is ever off!

Would I recommend it? YES .  There have been studies (if you put any stock in those) indicating that some of the ingredients in regular deodorant are not good for you and there is even some belief that can be cancer causing (gasp). My personal reason for trying it is that I'm trying do a better job of living and eating (A whole notha post) cleaner. Eventually I'll live by the mantra, "If I can't spell it or pronounce it, don't buy or use it" for now baby steps.

Here is what the crystal deodorant looks like.

Let me know in the comments if any of you have tried the crystal deodorant!
Stay Fresh loves

Monday, November 3, 2014

People and their ASSumptions

Since I've been off work, one of  comments that I hear is, "oh, you're at home all day, must be nice" , or people ASSuming that since I'm not working for someone else that my new job is to make life easier for them. My response..."bish please".  Oh yeah, since not working for the man, the filter has gone by the wayside so there will be cussin and such- you've been warned.
Or they (who the hell are they and why are they so fuckin messy?) figure since my kids are over 18- notice I didn't say adults cause baaabaabyyy being 18 an adult does not make you- that they no longer need mothering.
Growing up my mom was a housewife so its not a new concept for me, after all there were 7 of us so it made perfect sense. I get that for those who did not have the benefit of a stay at home mom, its difficult to see the need and to "get it", but on the flip side there are those of us who don't get how a mom or dad can work 80hrs a week with kids at home. Two sides of the same coin.

On behalf of stay at home moms and housewives across the world, I'd like to direct you to the bleachers where you'll have your choice of several seat- have one.

Just because my job responsibilities and work conditions (and I get to bang my boss) are better than yours is no need to get all snarky, sometimes its ok to keep your comments to yourself boo.



Friday, October 31, 2014

The lost art of penmanship

Hey Bougie Babes,

When was the last time your wrote a letter? Not an email, I mean when was the last time you took pen to pad and cursive? Chile look! I had an appointment and was handed a PACKET of PAPER, I just about keeled over! I mean who's gonna fill this out for me? Why am I being punished? Arrrggg...So I took the little funky clipboard and resigned myself to a chair in the waiting room and began to write.  If I wasn't so bothered, it might have been comical, because my penmanship has um, oh shall we say reached a new low. Man, I used to have beautiful penmanship, then they (there "they" go again) put a keyboard in front of me and I never looked back.  Maybe I should have.
Is penmanship even being taught in elementary school anymore? With all the texting abbreviations being used in everyday conversation vocabulary for damn sure is not.
Do you guys think having good penmanship is important in this day and age or are we to technically advanced to worry about having good cursive?

Love and kisses


Thursday, October 30, 2014


Hi name is Bougie and I'm a tech junky.
Hi Bougie, welcome to Techies Anonymous

Ok, I kid, I kid - or do I? Sometimes I feel like a real life tech junky and not in a good way. You know that feeling of panic that sets in when your smartphone reaches 30% battery life? Or you forget to charge your Ipad or tablet? Or <gasp> you leave the house and forget your device charger or chargers depending on how you roll?  Y'all listen,my nerves get so bad if I'm out not near an outlet and the phone hits 20% battery life. And don't let my IPad not be charged, no it doesn't matter if I need to use it, for the sake of my sanity I need it to read 100% battery at all times.  Hold on let me check it now since I brought it up...Ok, all is right in BougieTech world. Whew.

The sad thing is, most people, regardless of age, race or gender feel this sense of disconnect when not connected. When did this happen? Why did this happen? I have questions! Y'll not sure either? Lemme Google it right quick. See what I did there?

I really feel as though technology is a double edged sword.  On one end, its awesome and the sauce! The internet? Come on!! Ipads!? Thank you God.  Phones that make you smarter that a 5th grader?! Yes!! Then there's the other side.  Its so easy to become desocialized (yes, I see the squiggly line but I like it). I mean come on, we can sit in the comfort of our own homes, take pictures of our selves from the chest up post them on various social media outlets, chat it up with complete strangers, who become friends without ever being in the same room together.  Is this really life? What happened to sitting across from a person having a verbal conversation, checking body language to make sure the person gazing into your eyes isn't a frickin ax murderer?

My point here and trust this is advice I need to heed as well, its ok to unplug and have a conversation that doesn't start with Facebook asking, "What's on Your Mind".

I challenge you and by you I mean us, to designate an hour after work to turn your phone off, power down the computer, turn off the tablets and spend some real time with someone you love, even if the someone is YOU!

Love and Kisses

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Where Oh Where has Bougie been!?

Ok soooo ive been gone for a minute. See what had happened decided to play bald headed games and threw me into a temporary tailspin, some of which I'll share in the coming weeks post, some I won't:-)
Some of the goodies coming up include ; natural hair on a budget, juicing on a budget, staying sane on a budget oh and a new cooking blog. So yeah,  you all have had your break, playtime is over....shesssss baaackkk!
Love n Kisses

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

It's been a long time, I shouldn't have left you, without a dope blog to read through...

~Ok,ok that was hella corny, forgive me? Seriously I cannot believe I've not blogged since September. I have no excuse nor good reason for it other than to say Bougie was straight tripping! Anyhoos, life has been uh, shall we say interesting? Budget went kaput, position(department) terminated at the beginning of the new year, kid mess, you name it I've probably dealt with it these last few months. But all is not lost, God is good and momma didn't raise no punks. So as I attempt to get my life I'll be blogging yet again if only for myself as an outlet.  Make no mistake, my life has been kinda reality show 
Iike complete with bloopers so the laughs will be plentiful. 
Since I've been off work and on my housewife ish I've really been focused on my budget given my new financial position, and um it's a completely different world budgeting because it's the responsible adult thing to do vs not having a damn choice.  Don't get me wrong, I love seeing the husband off to work, etc, but uh my housewife fantasy consisted of maids, a personal chef, no budget and lots of shopping. Perhaps I was wrong ( shrugs) a girl can dream.
Oh we'll peeps in true housewife form it's time for me to get the mans dinner together. 

Y'all be easy til next time!