Where Bougie and Budgeting meet for the very first time. Was it love at first site? Or was the struggle real? Join me on my journey of finding out out how to pimp my budget and not my bank account, foodie finds, thrift steals and other random musings of a Fancy Bougie on a Budget - Its a LifeStyle
Monday, September 30, 2013
Homemade Granola
Laundry Detergent...so fresh n so clean-clean
Hope all is well and that everyone is living their bougie lives to the absolute fullest!
Last week I put together the homemade laundry detergent and it was awesome! I wanted to wait until I had some other folks try it before I posted about it so there was no bias. So my testers were my straight no chaser mom, and my friend who I'll call "T.K" to protect her privacy. I gave them both a sample of the dry/powdered detergent and the liquid and....<drumroll>...they both said it worked great!
The first picture is the liquid (obviously) and that's only about 1/4 of the batch! In true bougie form, I re-purposed an empty Woolite bottle so I wouldn't use all my quart size mason jars, momma got plans for them. The second picture is the powdered - it looks kinda strange I know.
I used it on my dogs bedding and it was clean and fresh but the real test was using it on my 16 year old sons laundry...and again clean and fresh.
Just as a disclaimer, you won't see a lot of bubbles or suds but trust the cleaning power is definitely there. And only 3 ingredients. The total cost to make was around $7.00 bucks, and a full batch makes 5 gallons of the liquid. Now because I'm fancy and like to do my own thing, I actually made mine a little more concentrated so I had maybe 3 gallons.
Hope this helps and if anyone is interested the ingredients and directions are as follows:
2 Cups Arm & Hammer Washing Soda
2 Cups 20 Mule Team Borax Laundry Booster (has tons of uses)
1 Bar Fels Napa - its a bar laundry soap. You could also use Zote. Some recipes suggest using a bar of Ivory or what you have on hand or can get cheap. I think I'm going to use a bar of Dr. Bronners in my next batch.
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
This is the notebook that I carry with me all the time everyday-I actually bought two of them because of the serenity prayer on the cover. I use it to jot down notes, ideas, random thoughts, things I want to talk to God about, etc.
My decision to tighten up my financial house was based largely on my need for PEACE in my life. I believe the planting of the seed was Gods way of giving me the COURAGE to change what I can, namely my budget, the financial seeds I sow, and my stewardship over my financial blessings. Conversely, by forcing myself to be more accountable for my finances is helping me ACCEPT that the way my bank account is set up, there is not an endless supply of residual income-yet. I also believe by showing that I am and can be a responsible steward over my finances, that my cup will soon runneth over!
Finances are only one piece of the puzzle as there are other things that will require change and fine tuning for me it's an appropriate place to start. With money not being a worry I can focus my energies on the important things!
Bougie Blessings!
Hey Bougie Babes!
Hope all is well. Man! There is so much going on righy now - I really don't know where to begin!
Coming up this week:
-Laundry soap recipe and reviews
-Birthday Budget fail and bounce back plan
-Homemade Granola
- Business ventures
- Full meal plan
- Christmas budget
If there are any subjects you all are interested in leave it in the comments-let's grow together!
Thursday, September 19, 2013
What's up Bougie Family!
My apologies people! I've been unintentionally M.I.A. Well that's not totally accurate, I've definitely been in action. I've celebrated a birthday, took a staycation which I'm still on, did lots of reflecting on my past and planning for my future. Lots of D.O.P.E stuff in the works so I'll be posting regularly to keep yall up to date.
Oh I also got a new camara so I can take my blogging on the road in 1040HD! I'm excited about that. I've wanted/needed a new camara for a minute now after giving babygirl bougie my last one so yeah, its about to go down.
Stay tuned for DYI Day. I have some crafts and diy projects coming as well as some budget updates coming.
Hope all is well.
Love, Peace and Bougieness!
Friday, September 6, 2013
Busy Bougie
I hope everyone had a fantastic Labor Day weekend, even if it was just a weekend of chilling out.
This past week has been bananas! It has been a week of family drama(but what's new there), self-improvement, self reflection, and budgeting!
Now that I have my cash flow under control (kinda) my next phase is taking a look at my spending habits to see where else I can cut back. I'm exploring some D.I.Y. options which should be an adventure in and of it self. This weekend I am going to make and try homemade laundry detergent and...wait for it...deodorant. Don't look at me like that! I think it'll be ok. The laundry detergent I'm not really worried about. From the recipes I've found, it should be pretty powerful. I'm going to do a load of coloreds and whites so I'll be able to really see how it does. The cash savings should be mind-blowing!!! I use Gain liquid. I usually get the 64 Load bottle which runs between $14.99 and $16.99 depending on where I buy it, and it usually last about 3 weeks. My husband has to wash towels at least twice a week -its his thing- so it would probably last longer if it were not for his obsession with washing towels. I digress. The homemade detergent will cost $6.00 to make three times more than the bottle of Gain AND you use less per load *hits my dougie*. I'll be posting the recipe after I try it - no need in having yall try it before I know it works.
Now let's talk about the homemade deodorant. I know, I know don't nobody got time to be walking around here funky. I concur because quiet as its keep Bougie sweats, yep, the pits perspire. This one I'm really interested in though because there have been studies that tie the Aluminum in deodorants and antiperspirants to breast cancer and I took a solemn oath to protect "the girls" at all cost so I'm willing to give it a shot. Mind you I'll be trying it this weekend when I'm close to home and the shower, Bougie ain't nobody's fool and I'm much to fine to be funky!
Well loves, that's whats on tap for my weekend, D.I.Y til I die, well not really but it rhymed so there you have it.
Saturday, August 31, 2013
Meal Planning?
Dinner is a little easier as I usually have food in the deep freezer and a boat load of side items, or my husband deems it to hot to cook, but lunch? Lunch is an entirely different matter. Either I'm moving to slow in the morning to make a lunch, there's nothing that I "want" to take for lunch or some other lame excuse. So I figure if I think about it, and plan out a weeks worth of lunches I will be better prepared to grab n go.
There are a plethora of websites that offer meal planning services - for a fee! What the Windy City?! Man, I tell you everything cost these days. Bougie's on a budget so a sista will be partaking in the free sites and trial plans. Humph! I did find that the Evernote application which is available for iOS and Adriod has a meal planning feature, so I am going to look further into that and give it try. I will let you all know how that works out.
Another thing I'll have to work around is keeping variety in my lunches because I'm not a fan of frozen meals, or canned soup and damnit I can only eat so many turkey sandwiches.
Since this is a longer weekend I'll get my plan together, make a grocery list, grab my coupons:-) and hit the stores. I'll let you guys know how I do.
Catch yall later,
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Coupon WIN!
On to my WIN. This past weekend my mom and I went to Target - a.k.a TakeAllMyDamnMoneyVille.
Now before I get on to my cash register win, let me point out something that I noticed. This may mean more to those that are local however something to look out for all the same. We all know you can't walk into Target and not look at the CLEARANCE section right? I noticed that some of the clearance items were marked at a higher price at this particular Target than at a Target I was at earlier in the week! Saaayy What???!!!
I was only looking for household items so this should have been a relatively quick trip right? Factor in a coupon novice and a mother who likes to get lost in the store, two hours later (smh) I'm at the cash register and my total before coupons was $127 and after coupons? *Drumroll* $95.27! POW!!! I may or may not have done a C (for coupons) Walk at the register.
Needless to say, I plan to continue using coupons, my next challenge is going to at the grocery store.
That should be interesting.
Hope you all are having an awesome week so far!
Saturday, August 24, 2013
Savings, coupons, and deals OH MY!
There is a mobile app available for Android and Iphone. The only downside in my opinion is that you have to log in with your Facebook account. One other possible fail is that it looks like theirs a limit
This will be good for me because its one less coupon to clip and as long as I have my phone I have my savings, BOOO-YYAAA.
And shut the front door their are coupons for food too - hits my Dougie.
Dont forget to check out the coupon section at target.com for additional savings!
Friday, August 23, 2013
Random, but Relevant
One of the most important lessons I've learned over the past say 10 years is that, you cannot tell people (including friends) all of your plans. As soon as you do, they are plotting trying to figure out how to capitalize off of your thought/idea or you have the commentators, with their, " Uhn unh gurl, if I was you I wouldn't do that" Or those with the fake cautionary tales of your pending doom, "Girl my cousin on my step-daddy side, baby momma's god sister's mechanic tried that and it didn't even work" ....My response? PHUCK OUTTA HERE WITH ALL THAT NOISE!
Those closest to me know that I tend to be very tight lipped about what I'm doing and what irons I have in the fire, not that I don't trust you all, in fact, I trust you all to do exactly what you do...let that settle, give it some time.
This is not to say that you can't or shouldn't share your good news with anyone just be careful who you share with. I mean if you have something going on and you need to tell somebody, tell God, shoot he knows about already! Everybody that's with you ain't for you
Lady Bougie (dont that just sound bougie)
Book recommentation
The book is titled "Girl Get Your Money Straight" by Glinda Bridgeforth and you can find it here: http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/0767904885/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?qid=1377190525&sr=8-1&pi=AC_SX110_SY165
The book has some really easy to follow principles and sample budgets amd such. If you get the kindle version you can duplicate the charts with in a notebook or Excel. Which ever floats your boat-just get 'er done!
Thursday, August 22, 2013
Today's the day!
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
A Bougie Budget Breakfast
So today's breakfast is coffee provide the job, an apple from the fridge and a protein bar. We are having a team lunch sponsored by the company so guess who's WINNING today!
Monday, August 19, 2013
Coupons...crazy or worth it
Sunday, August 18, 2013
GOAL! And I ain't talkin bout soccer!
S - Specific
M - Manageable/Measureable
A - Attainable
R - Realistic
T - Tangible
Yep that was random, but it worked.
I also want to do some investing, so I guess a financial goal it is. Let me get another envelope :-)
Love n Blessings,
Saturday, August 17, 2013
Welcome....Excuse me while I get my (financial) life
I'll also be posting any interesting/helpful information that I find. And just to be forewarned, I'll be posting more than my budgeting experiences because I'm cool like that.
So again welcome and if anyone wants to join me to make it interesting hit me up in the comments and let's do this!